Most Expensive Games to Push the Limits of Luxury Gaming

Video games have covered almost every aspect of life, from war to love, sci-fi to adventure. And like all other things, video games were also commercialized from the beginning.
Currently, you can play video games wherever you want; however, you want. But, like people say, 'Every good thing comes at a cost'; from arcade machines to today's virtual platforms like Steam, you have to break some pieces of your wallet to have the sensational experience of gaming.
As said earlier, video games have a huge market worldwide, and it keeps expanding, and the demand for new or classic video games keeps increasing. Video games are not just tools of mere entertainment, as you can see from their prices in this list going sky high.
Here in this list, you can find the most expensive games. The list is not arranged in order, but after reading this article, you will know which games to add to your collection and which ones to avoid for the sake of your wallet!
Atlantis II

People say that 'Money cannot buy happiness,' but it can buy you Atlantis II, which is one of the most brutal ways you can destroy your wallet! You will get two brand-new Playstation 5 consoles at the same price and still have some money left to buy some candies. This graphic adventure game was made exclusively for the Atari 2600 console, the status symbol in the late 90s.
The game being a huge commercial and critical success, the developers launched numerous sequels on this. The game became a best-seller in the US and sold more than 1.8 Lakh units in France 2 months after its release! You can guess how good the game was according to that time.
This graphic-adventure game has a 'point and clicks' interface, which was very impressive at its release. Though the gameplay has some issues, the decent backstory and plot make it worth it. The storyline is simple but intriguing; you will play Ten, a descendant of the old hero Seth.
Like all typical adventure games, your primary goal will be saving the world from evil forces. The storyline has some excellent male-bonding moments that will make you emotional.
But the main reason for its fame is its aesthetic value. The graphics can even compete with today's games; the sceneries, the transitions, and the battle animations were ahead of their time.
- Availability on Platforms: Atari 2600, Windows, Mac OS, iOS
- Price: $779.89
- Developer: Cryo Interactive
- Release Year and Date of Launch: 3 March 1999
Stadium Events

The NES console brought a revolution in gaming upon its release in the 1980s. And if you want to start a revolt against your bank balance or make an antique game collection, Stadium Events will be your best choice. It is a retro athletic game based on four Olympic Events, 100m dash, 120m Hurdles, and long and triple jump. Don't worry; neither the gameplay nor the graphics are the main reason behind its fame.
The North American version was re-released in 1988 with a new name World Class Track, and only a dozen copies of it can be found in the entire world, making Stadium Events the rarest NES game ever made. Since then, this game has been the ultimate favourite for game collectors; even one copy was sold at $13,000. And if you have a copy in your old closet, then congratulations!
Despite its wide demand, the gameplay is average compared to others of that time. You have to dash and dodge the hurdles in your path; the more hurdles you dodge, the more score you get.
You won't believe many fake copies fly around the market to scam gamers. So best of luck finding a copy of this rare game and giving your game collection a new crown!
- Availability on Platforms: Nintendo Entertainment System
- Price: $1,200
- Developer: Nintendo, Bandai
- Release Year and Date of Launch: 23 December 1986
Air Raid

Air Raid is another rare retro game released in the 80s, with immense scarcity among game collectors. If you played this game as a child, then you're the luckiest kid of that time.
You probably have seen this cartridge with a few flying saucers attacking a futuristic city. And you won't need many brain cells to figure out that this game is set in a future timeline, where you have to shoot the alien invaders using your plane to defend your city.
From today's perspective, the gameplay might seem worthless, but it was one of the best of that time. You will control a futuristic spaceship that shoots lasers and moves only sideways. Yes, moving sideways and shooting lasers are everything you can do in this game.
The invading saucers will try to destroy the buildings behind you, and you will have to destroy them before. Again, don't laugh at the pixellated graphics that contain only a few colors; this was the best of that time. There are many online platforms where you can play this game for absolutely free, but if you want it to be a part of your collection, embrace your wallet, as the game's price will shake it.
- Availability on Platforms: Atari 2600
- Price: $33,433.30
- Developer: MenAvision
- Release Year and Date of Launch: 4 April 1982
Super Mario Bros

You will have an easier time finding a needle in a haystack than finding people who have never played Super Mario Bros in their lifetime. The Super Mario franchise having hundreds of different games, has been the poster boy of video games for multiple decades. Its legacy is still unchallenged.
The Super Mario Bros game is now available on almost every platform ipads, SNES, Computers, TVs, and even smartwatches. You might have started wondering why this common game is on the list of the most expensive games; the answer lies in its origin story. This game was first released for Nintendo Arcades, which came as a cartridge. The number of original intact cartridges is very few and widely sought by game collectors, museums, antique lovers, and even historians.
But think again before going after it because a sealed NES was sold at 6.6Lakh Dollars in an auction making a world record. 6.6Lakh Dollars, that's almost three brand new Lamborghinis. Everyone knows about its story and gameplay.
The princess gets kidnapped by the evil tortoise-looking villain. And Mario, known for his iconic moustache, has to cross numerous obstacles, fight evil turtles and owls on his way, get powerups and finally reach a castle to know the princess has been shifted. Though it has many spinoffs and remastered copies, the original Super Mario Bros game has aged like a fine wine.
- Availability on Platforms: Nintendo, Microsoft Windows, PlayStation.
- Price: $2,000,000
- Developer: Nintendo, Atari
- Release Year and Date of Launch: 13 September 1985
Suspended: A Cryogenic Nightmare

If the scary aspects of the game aren't enough, then don't worry; it will surely give your budget a scary nightmare! By seeing the title 'Suspended: A Cryogenic Nightmare,' you might have already guessed that this game is one of the typical scary fiction games filled with monsters, ghosts, absurd gameplay, dark theme, scary sound effects, and all. You are not wrong; this game is an old overpriced spinoff of the famous Resident Evil series.
There are multiple layers in the storyline. But the gameplay is quite simple; you will have to fight with the hordes of monsters and zombies using various ranged, melee, and futuristic weapons. Many people complain that sometimes the hordes become so big that it becomes impossible to progress. If the monsters and zombies don't scare you, the price of the game and the original packaging will surely do the job. The game is a lot more expensive and one of the most expensive games available on Steam.
Michael Berlyn has written this scary fiction story. The story says that after an earthquake, everything becomes a mess, half of the filtering computers that control everything are completely shut down, and half become very unstable. Everyone will blame the Central Municipality because of it. The main character will wake up in these circumstances trying to fix those things with the computers by fighting monsters.
The graphics of the game has no colours at all. This is all about typing on the computer and making the world better after the disaster. The player will have little customizable things like they can control the weather and placement of various in-game objects.
- Availability on Platforms: DOS, Commodore 64, Apple II, TRS-80, Amiga
- Price: $999.99
- Developer: Infocom
- Release Year and Date of Launch: 22 February 1983
Ascent Free-Roaming VR Experience

Though this game is not an original copy of a prestigious franchise or a rare one, its high price is justifiable for its unique features. Also, the game is not from any tech-giant developer but from a new startup. The budget of this game was also low. Though all these may seem boring, this game's price will shock your wallet.
Along with the average gaming experience, all you will get with this game is creepy-looking zombies with no leftover skin on their bodies. And you can surely realise from that, though the selling price of this game is this high, the creators have spared every expense on its making.
You will even find the zombies boring instead of being scary as the zombies all look the same; they are the same height, have the same face, and also have the same appearance. The maximum number of players in multiplayer mode is five. So you can add your four other friends for the company to cure your boredom.
The soil beneath you will shake in the dark when zombies come near you. this is another thing disliked by the players. Because of the high price, this game is tried by a very less amount of players, and there needs to be detailed reviews about this particular game. So If you can purchase and try this, make sure to put a review about this game.
- Availability on Platforms: Microsoft Windows
- Price: $999.00 (On Steam)
- Developer: Fury Games
- Release Year and Date of Launch: 27 December 2019
Earthquake escape

If being overpriced is an art, then this game is the Picasso of it! Though some may find it useful, you can find games similar to it free of cost. This game contains no storyline, interesting characters, great graphics, and flawless, smooth gameplay. But still, it is one of the most expensive games on Steam.
You will get the full GTA, Call of Duty, and Battlefield series combined at the same price! Still, if you want to know more about this game, you've come to the perfect place! This is a simulation game made using the Unity 3D engine by some Japanese developers. You play as a little kid in an empty home who struggles to find a safe hiding spot during an earthquake.
The physics are really funny, and the movements are even funnier. There are not many reviews available for the game, but many users consider that this game has taught them what to do and what not to do during an earthquake, and they are hopeful that they will never die due to an earthquake thanks to this game!
The game has a tight time limitation of 11 seconds; you will have to find the right spot before the time runs out to win the game. Exclamation marks and other hints will help you reach your goal. Drop a review on Steam if you ever play this game!
- Availability on Platforms: Microsoft Windows
- Price: $199.99
- Developer: CatCat Gaming
- Release Year and Date of Launch: 25 November 2021
VRemedies - CT Procedure Experience

If you are a radiologist or radiographer or belong to any other medical staff, then try this. This game can help you improve your skills as it is very realistic. And it is also in VR.
But it is so expensive that you can get real CT scans a few dozen times at the same cost. This game shows you how computed tomography works. This game will make you aware of the environment of a CT room, the machines, and how the whole procedure works.
Because of radiation, the staff avoids staying in the CT room. This game includes small robots for pediatric patients to provide the company to those patients. Patients get afraid after entering the CT room, so you can use this game to make them familiar with the environment and help them relax. And this game includes some exercises like popping balloons and other things. It helps to reduce nervousness in the patient's body, and the procedure becomes smooth.
- Availability on Platforms: Microsoft Windows
- Price: $199.99
- Developer: StaplesVR
- Release Year and Date of Launch: 7 March 2018
The Island of Dr Yepstein

Tired of seeing lots of unplayable but expensive games on this list? Here it is worth your money; you can try it out! Though this game is currently one of the most expensive on Steam, the developers promised to lower the price very soon. This uncompromisable story-driven first-person shooter game has a multi-layered story based on a villain named Dr Yepstein, who owns a stranded island. Though the island looks like a paradise, it has some dark mysteries.
You will play as a fierce commando sent by the government to uncover the mysteries without anyone noticing. The main character has super-cool dialogues and abilities you will love. You will have to meet face-to-face with dangerous enemies in realistic jaw-dropping fights.
Eventually, you will find out that Dr Yepstein has been conducting some experiments on inhuman monsters he has made and plans to release them on the mainland. Your duty with your special forces team will be gathering intel, destroying those specimens, and delivering justice to Yepstein.
And here comes the surprise, a 12-year-old teenager makes this game!! If that doesn't shock you, the game also has decent graphics, smooth gameplay, and dozens of different missions.
- Availability on Platforms: Microsoft Windows
- Price: $199.99
- Developer: AssetFlipGames
- Release Year and Date of Launch: 17 September 2021
VR-CPR Personal Edition

Though the price of this game is sky-high, this game can help you prepare for life-threatening situations. The creators originally made this virtual reality simulation to teach the process of cardiopulmonary resuscitation or CPR for emergency purposes; later, it was published on Steam as one of the most expensive games available on the platform.
The game is realistic as you will get real-time responses to whether your CPR is working. You will have to treat three types of cardiac arrest cases, all in a stunning VR world. The treatment will vary according to the location of the heart attack, hospital, out-of-hospital and pediatric. You will have to take different measures according to the situation.
Though you can customise some features while starting the game, there are no ways for you to do anything rather than your objective because the patient's life depends upon your actions.
And the best part is that the game will guide you through every step, teaching you what to do, the importance of that action, and how you will know if you are successful. This game can revolutionize medical training if the price gets lower.
- Availability on Platforms: Microsoft Windows
- Price: $119.99
- Developer: Studio Evil
- Release Year and Date of Launch: 8 May 2019
Run Thief

Have you ever imagined you would have to pay a good amount of money to become a thief? Well, your imagination comes true with this casual indie game on Steam. Many people ironically say that you will first have to become a thief in real life to get the money for this game. The fun part about this game is you won't get many spoilers because it is so expensive that very few people have actually bought it, and fewer dropped a review about it.
If your wallet supports you, you can make a difference by buying this game and dropping a detailed review of it! Don't worry; your children can also play this game if you get bored, as it is rated for Six-year-olds, and the controls are so simple that even they will grasp it very easily. The story is all about a thief who goes against the emperor and steals a plan of a plot.
The game gets more engaging and interesting as the story goes forward. You can play the game in daylight mode or night mode. Different types of challenges will come along the way in different areas. Your goal as a young thief will be protecting your clan and your family from those conspiring against your skin.
You will have an exciting adventure crossing fields full of various traps such as stakes, rains of arrows, and many more. There are a few locations where you will have to do parkour to escape, like Immaculate Towers, the old wall, and Coniferous Forest. The game has an intuitive weather management system.
Though the game's theme changes a little in different weather, the pursuit will never stop! Though this adventure game is overpriced, it is not so bad that you can't even play. If your budget supports it, you can see whether the price is justified.
- Availability on Platforms: Microsoft Windows
- Price: $199.99
- Developer: H.G.G.
- Release Year and Date of Launch: 23 August 2019
Jungle Adventure Running

Reconsider your plan of leaving the city and going to the wild, as this casual jungle running game will cost 264.99 dollars on the Google Play Store. The number of downloads of this game is not fascinating at all, and you can easily guess the reason behind it.
By the appearance of this game, you will realise that it is mainly designed for Kids. In the game, you can see only one creature lost in the jungle. He has a long tail but a short body. As the name says, you must go through a not-so-exciting adventure through the forest.
You will have to help that little monster and find a way to escape the jungle; otherwise, Forrest dealers will catch him. And you have to avoid any barriers that come your way while running in the jungle.
This game is colorful and bright, but the graphics are not that good compared to the price you will have to pay. But the saddest part is that even after buying this game at this high price, you still have to watch ads during the gameplay.
- Availability on Platforms: Android 4.4 and up
- Price: $264.99 (On the Google Play Store)
- Developer: Game download
- Release Year and Date of Launch: 26 September 2022
Most expensive word game

You can see the developers didn't put much effort into deciding the name of this expensive game. They just used the game's name as a warning because this game is one of the most expensive games available on the Google Play store. It is a normal word puzzle game, not very special as the other ones available for free.
The gameplay is child's play; you have to make a word using the letters available. This game is not that useless as these kinds of game helps you to expand your vocabulary and help you remember to spell it. It is a fun educational game as it tests your skill of memorizing words. Though the game's graphics are not that bad, everything else is.
The interface is filled with bugs. This game has another unique benefit; you can save your friends from throwing away their money at this game by buying it first and warning them.
- Availability on Platforms: Android 4.4 and up
- Price: $399.9
- Developer: Vadaaa
- Release Year and Date of Launch: 11 May 2020
You must have a question in your mind after reading this article why would someone spend huge money on these games? The answer is quite complicated. People bought a few super expensive limited edition games on this list to add to their collection, not to play them. Video games are now a big part of society's culture.
Those classic games may lack a good playing experience but are of huge cultural value. You might have seen many social media influencers trying these games for fun; that's another big reason for the existence of these games.
After reading the article, you must have realized that more price does not always mean high quality. You will find millions of enjoyable games for every gaming platform for free. If you want to add some rare games to your collection or lighten up your moneybag, then you should try the most expensive games on this list!
Yes, Earthquake Escape is a VR game, but you can also play it normally.
There are a lot of examples of that, the iconic ones being HALO 2, GTA V, and Red Dead Redemption.
There are thousands of online websites and mobile apps where you can play Super Mario Bros for free.